Family Photo Shoot!

The girls and I got all dolled up…

or a little dolled up…

woof 010

So that we could wish you a Merry Christmas.

But then I thought we could do better.

So we did.

holiday card

Merry Christmas, faithful friends.


I promise to do better next year. I’ve been to angry at the world to post recently.

Merry (early) Christmas, my lovelies!!

I hate how expensive a good dog bed is.

Even more than that, I hate how boring they are.

It’s an easy $20 spent for a plainly colored square shaped bed and costs extra for a personal touch.

NO WAY! I say.

So I decided this year for Christmas I was going to see if I couldn’t make my own for my girls and guess what? I could.

I went to the fabric store and picked out fabrics that I thought best represented the personalities of my baby girls which were luckily on sale for 50% off (Woot!)

Using their crate bottom as a pattern I cut out my sizes and hand stitched ’em together.

Then conserving more money, I used some of the old towels and blankets (freshly washed) they’ve used as well as stuffing from their old beds I fluffed ’em up and stitched the final bits (which I hope explains why they got their beds waaaay early!! LOL!)

So soft they are, mama.

Voila. Dog beds for $6.50.

If you’re interested in size, Analaigh’s bed fits into a large crate and she weighs 70 pounds while Rose’s bed fits into her medium crate and she weighs 50 pounds.

Analaigh: Pretty FlowersRose: Silly Owls

Analaigh: Pretty Flowers
Rose: Silly Owls